Facts About the International Space Station
Facts About the International Space Station

International Space Station

The International Space Station is a spacecraft that can house up to 10 people at once and is located 240 miles above the surface of the Earth.

It also functions as an observatory, a laboratory, and—possibly most importantly—a home.

The International Space Station (ISS) and China’s Tiangong Space Station (TSS) are the two fully operating space stations in low Earth orbit (LEO) as of 2023.

The largest modular space station in low Earth orbit is the International Space Station (ISS), orbiting 248 miles (400 kilometers) above our heads.

Five space agencies are involved in the project: NASA from the United States, Roscosmos from Russia, JAXA from Japan, ESA from Europe, and CSA from Canada.

The International Space Station (ISS), built and run by 15 nations, including the US, Russia, and Japan, was launched in 1998 as a hub for several space-based research projects.

The International Space Station (ISS) is sometimes referred to as “Man’s Greatest Achievement” and is one of the most important international cooperation projects ever.

Here, people from all nations and cultural backgrounds collaborate to advance science and knowledge.

With these ten facts about the ISS that you probably didn’t know, let’s discover more about this ground- (or sky-) breaking endeavor.

In fact, it travels really quickly.

At 28000 km/h, or 10 times the speed of an earthbound bullet, the space station orbits the planet 16 times every day.

Means 45 mins of light and 45 mins of dark.

It is visible from Earth.

The International Space Station is the third brightest object visible with the naked eye in the night sky.

Look for an airplane-like light that sweeps fast across the sky to find it. You’re more likely to see them around at sunrise and sunset.

They have access to the internet.

All ISS individuals have laptop computers, and they can even access to the internet to communicate with family and friends and watch live television.

It’s enormous: the size of a football field, to be exact.

The International Space Station is the largest thing ever built.

And, although floating in space, it weights a massive 460 tons.

How do you use the restroom? You eat in what way?

These are frequently the first questions that come to mind while considering living in space.

The ISS has two space toilets that astronauts use by strapping themselves in.

Their urine is even purified and converted into potable water.

Operating the several science experiments on board requires a lot of work.

The staff must also keep the station in good condition, so they clean, inspect, maintain, and fix or replace any broken equipment.

In order to stay in shape and maintain strong bones and muscles, crew members must also exercise for two hours every day.

How long do astronauts stay in space ?

An astronaut’s mission typically lasts six months, or 182 days, but the time frame varies depending on the mission.

How many dead bodies are out there in space?

There are no corpses in outer space.

The majority of space flight-related mishaps had place on Earth or before crossing the boundary that defines space.

The Kármán line, which marks this boundary, is 100 km (62 miles) above sea level.

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