Interesting fun facts about random things
Interesting fun facts about random things

Interesting fun facts

1. It took radio 38 years to reach 50 million people.
20 years for the phone to reach 50 million people,
13 years for television,
3.6 years for Facebook
It took only 88 days for Google Plus to reach 50 million people.


2. For the past 15 years, a Bulgarian man named Dobry Dobrev has walked up to 25 kilometres every single day to beg money for the orphanages that were unable to pay their bills.

Dobrev died on February 13, 2018, at Kremikovtsi Monastery. He was 103


​3. A moment is actually a medieval period of time equal to 90 seconds, there are 40 moments in an hour.


​4. James Cameron was actually homeless when he wrote the terminator and sold the rights to it only for 1 Dollar on the condition that he could direct the movie, The Terminator.


5. Australia lost a prime minister, Harold Holt, who died on December 17, 1967, as he went for a swim and never came back.


6. High atmospheric pressure effects the bubbles in your coffee.
If the bubbles are closer to the centre, you can expect it to rain or have other stormy weather.


7. Elephants remember and mourn their loved ones like humans, sometimes years after their deaths.


8. In 2013, a bank worker in Germany fell asleep on his keyboard’s number 2 button, causing him to transfer 222 million, 222 thousand, 222 Euros
On a transfer that should have been worth only 62 euros.
However, his coworker was the one who was fired for not spotting the ERROR.


9. Users upload an average of 350 million photos to Facebook every day, and in total have uploaded more than 250 billion photos to this date.


10. There are approximately 10 Quintilian insects on our planet.
That’s 10 with 18 zeroes behind it or roughly, 200 million insects per human.


11. During the late 1800s, a baboon named Jack was employed by the rail road in Capetown, South Africa, as a signal man; he never once made a mistake and worked for the railroad until his death.


12. Scientists have begun arguing that we may actually have more than five basic senses including Magnetoreception which is the ability to detect magnetic fields &
Chronoception which is the sense of time passing.


​​13. Marvels The Avengers movie, caused Shawarma( Arab meat) sales to sky rocket nation wide in America in 2012 purely because of an extra scene in which Thor, Captain America, Bruce Banner and the rest of the heroic clan are quietly enjoying Shawarma after casually saving the world.


​14. In 1888, a pigeon keeper and a bee keeper challenged each other’s creatures to a 5.6 kilometres organised race in Germany, the bee won by 25 seconds.


​​15. Jonathan the tortoise, is a giant tortoise that lives on the island of Saint Helena ,in south pacific ocean,
Is believed to be born in 1832 and is still alive to this date.


​16. America has 19 aircraft carriers compared to the rest of the world that only has 12 combined.


​17. In 2013, Volkswagen succeeded in building the car that gets 235 miles per Gallon ( 3.78 liter) called the XL 1
Almost the entire car is made of carbon fibre that only weighs 81 kilogram.


19. Most of the time, the ice cream that you see in TV commercials and other ads is actually mashed potatoes, this is because the regular ice cream wouldn’t be able to stand up to the heat of the on set lights while filming.


​20. The Salar De Uyuni, in Bolivia is the world’s largest salt flat at 10 thousand 5 hundred and 82 square kilometres and turns into the world’s Largest Mirror when it rains.
It’s so beautiful that it’s been called the border between Heaven and Earth.


​21. In Japan, Nestle has introduced over 200 different flavours of KitKat since the year 2000.
Which includes soy sauce, green tea, and banana flavour.


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  1. veley b

    nice information…